Repunzel | Talent Agent Submissions for Actors | Los Angeles, New York

Get Legit Talent
Representation Today

Submit your acting materials to our industry-vetted list of Los Angeles, New York, and Atlanta talent agents in 15 minutes.

Repunzel is changing the way actors find talent representation

Review from keturahhamilton: Omg best money ever spent!! I'm getting meetings on top of meetings!!! Thank you for creating this platform from talents.
Review from keturahhamilton: Omg best money ever spent!! I'm getting meetings on top of meetings!!! Thank you for creating this platform from talents.
Review from keturahhamilton: Omg best money ever spent!! I'm getting meetings on top of meetings!!! Thank you for creating this platform from talents.

The struggle is real...

If you've ever tried looking for legit representation in the past, YOU KNOW:

It takes hours and hours of research, googling countless agents and agencies...

Then you have to look up each agent on IMDBPro just to see which department they belong to and if they're any good... 🔎

THEN once you're done with all that, you have to compose and send each and every one of those pesky cover letter emails (you know, the ones you have NO idea how to write)...

ONLY to feel like you’re shouting into the void – getting little to no responses, wondering if your materials were even seen. 🗣️ 🤷🏼🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️

Can we secretly agree that looking for a legit talent agent is probably the least fun thing you'll do as a serious actor? 😤

Which is exactly why I have spent over 60+ hours putting together these Commercial and Theatrical Agent email lists for you.

Because I know you have better things to do like working on your craft, building your resume, and making great work that you can be proud of.

Ready to skip the headache and finally get to the acting part of your ACTING career?

(Um, OF COURSE you are!)

Howard Chan

Hi, I'm Howard Chan!

I'm a tech geek, three-time entrepreneur, and actor having worked on shows such as Big Little Lies on HBO™, Lucifer on Netflix™, Sneaky Pete on Amazon™ and I've helped countless actors, models, and artists secure commercial and theatrical representation through creative marketing and business savvy.

The idea for Repunzel™ came to me in the form of a question I asked myself recently...

With everything that's going on right now, so many agencies are evaluating their rosters and doing a little spring cleaning.

Which means this is the absolute perfect time to get on their radar.

But it has to be done quickly, efficiently, and effectively.

So, I asked myself the question:

How can I come up with a system that helps actors find quality representation in the easiest and most effective way possible?

I mulled it over, then I circled back to what I know best...

A foolproof strategy to submit your materials so an actor—regardless of business or tech experience—can find legit representation.


SUPER fast.

Like, we're-talking-less-than-FIFTEEN-MINUTES fast.

The strategy behind Repunzel™ is the same one I used when I had nothing but student films, industrial videos, and ONE community college acting class on my resume.

It's the same strategy I used to land my first agent, and eventually book my first national commercial—that instantly earned me my SAG card.

It's the same strategy I've taught to classmates, coworkers, and friends for years.

And now I want to teach it to YOU.

You're very welcome. 😉

What you'll do using Repunzel

Access & customize your lists

Submit to the entire agent list, just the SAG-franchised ones, or just a few dozen you're really interested in. It's all up to you.

Compose your submission

We give you the tools and tips to format your cover letter in exactly the way agents want them to be presented.

Send personalized emails

Submit individually addressed emails (not cc'd or bcc'd) to your list of agents in just a few clicks. (Yes, it's that easy.)

Track it all

Use our built-in Tracking Report to see your open rate, click rate, and which links were clicked on. Stalker-ish, but oh-so valuable.

And did I mention that it only takes
15 minutes of work from start to finish?

Yup, this method is fast.

A carefully curated list of top commercial and theatrical agents already done for you? Check.

A built-in bulk mailer tool to save you time sending pitch emails one-by-one? Check.

Built upon a proven strategy that will get you represented TODAY? Checkety check check.

How it works

Step one

View and edit list

Get instant access to our entire vetted list of LA, NY, or ATL agent emails and customize them as you see fit.

Step two

Compose submission

Use our custom-built composer to attach your headshots and draft your personalized cover letter.
Gmail required.

Step three

Send and track

Send your individually addressed emails all at once and track every interaction with a click of a button.

Step four

Rinse and repeat

Get up to 3 full submission attempts for each list purchased with our Plus bundle. *Allow 3 months between submissions.

So, who's on these lists of agents, Howard?

I didn't just pull these randomly from the Interwebz.

Because lets face it, sometimes the entertainment industry can be a little... unsavory.

That's why I put in 60+ hours making sure the list was 100% legit.

All of them have an IMDBPro rating of 2k and higher.

All of them have working actors.

All of them have been triple-verified by me, someone who's been in the business for 10+ years.

Most of them are direct emails, NOT general inbox addresses.

And all of them are looking for actors right now.

Are you ready to do this yet?

But what if I already have an agent?

Oh, I get it. I'm a maximizer too 😉

Maybe you're not going out as much as you'd like. Or not going out for roles you know you'd be perfect for IF you had the chance. Or maybe you're not going out AT ALL. Yikes.

So you're thinking about starting fresh with a new team but you don't want your current agent to know until you've got solid options elsewhere.

The beauty of Repunzel™ is that all our lists are fully customizable. If you don't want your current agent to receive an email, simply take them off the list.

Done-zo. It's that easy.

What you get when you join Repunzel

200+ Talent Agent Emails... save hours of your valuable time researching all the top legit Hollywood agencies on your own.

Built-in Bulk Mailer Tool... eliminate the painstaking process of sending individual personalized emails one by one.

Built-in Tracking Report... help you stop guessing who's actually opening your email and which exact links they're clicking on.

Step-by-Step Instructions... guide you every step of the way, even if you are low tech (if you can compose an email, you're golden).

Quick Tips & Tricks... make your pitch email really stand out and get agents excited about what you have to offer.

Real Cover Letter Examples... take the guesswork out of what to write in your Subject line and cover letter.
*Available as an add-on.

Holy cow, that’s a ton
of stuff for just…
$97? For real?!

Yup. Look, I know the list alone is worth three or four times what I’m charging.

SAG scale (minimum pay) for one commercial booking is $712/daynot including residuals.

SAG scale (minimum pay) for one TV/Film booking is $1040/daynot including residuals.😳

My goal here was to make this such a no-brainer price for you, whoever you are, wherever you are, because I know actors need this list NOW.

I don’t want to see you be successful someday… I want you to get started TODAY.

So I’ve priced it so you don’t have to hem and haw… you can just grab it and GO!

This isn't about helping you hob nob with Brad Pitt or win an Oscar.


I'm not here to teach you that stuff right now. (We can get to that later.)

Instead, my goal is simple:

I want you to find representation without
spending hours reinventing the wheel with:

Wait… when you say
it's a list AND a tool, does that
mean it's super technical?

Nope! Actually, just the opposite.

Repunzel™ was designed with ONE thing in mind—to make it so simple, anybody could use it.

No going to third-party websites or installing complicated doohickeys. All you need is a Gmail account and a laptop or desktop computer.

And honestly, if you can compose an email, you're already waaayyyy ahead of the game.

So technically, you don’t need to be technical at all. 😋

Pricing forLos Angeles expand_more


  • check_circle 3 full submission attempts*
  • check_circle Send 50 emails per day
  • check_circle Customizable recipient list
  • check_circle Track email opens and link clicks
  • check_circle Unused submissions never expire
  • check_circle Lists update automatically

*Allow 3 months between submissions.

What they're saying about Repunzel

FAQ's about Repunzel

Question Answer

Which list should I get?

It all depends on what kind of representation you're looking for. If you don't have ANY representation currently, we recommend you start with our Commercial List as commercial representation is easier to get (then use that win to land theatrical rep!).

Question Answer

What if I'm not tech-savvy?

Great! You don't need to be. If you can compose an email, everything else is a breeze. We provide the agent list, the mailing tool, and the tracking report. You literally just click a few buttons.

Question Answer

Are these agencies legit?

100%. As a fellow actor that's been around, there's no way I would put an agency on this list if I felt uncomfortable referring a close friend to or submitting to myself. In fact, we're constantly adding and deleting agencies based on the feedback we get from actors.

Question Answer

Why aren't Paradigm, CAA, WME, or UTA on your list?

Trust me, we'd love to add these super elite agencies to our list if our purpose was to sell you a dream instead of getting you real results.
"Legit representation" to us means not only excluding scammy agencies, but also ones that don't take unsolicited submissions (unless you're reading this, Meryl).

Question Answer

Can I buy this, try this, then ask for a refund?

Due to the digital nature of Repunzel™—and the fact that you can literally use it in less than 15 minutes—we do not offer refunds if you use the service.
The reality? Once you use Repunzel™, you’ll be thinking of a different r-word: Referral. 😉

Question Answer

Will Repunzel work for me?

Oh, how I wish I had a crystal ball to answer this. Truth is, it all depends. But most of our actors who have great materials do extremely well, sometimes receiving anywhere from 5 to 20 meetings within a week.

Question Answer

What if I have zero credits and zero experience?

While we do recommend you get at least an acting class under your belt before you submit for representation, if your materials are on point (killer headshots and unique cover letter), you can definitely get commercial or print representation using our Commercial List.

Question Answer

When can I start sending emails? When do I get access to the list?

It starts as soon as you login! All you have to do is sign up and you'll get instant access to the list and all the other goodies that are waiting for you inside.
So you can start today! Or tomorrow! Or next week! Or next month! (Though my vote is for starting sooner rather than later!)

Question Answer

Will my agent submission be sent from ""? Or look like a Cc or Bcc email?

Everyone knows Cc's and Bcc's are a big No-No when you're doing agent submissions. That's why with Repunzel, all your email submissions are sent through your own personal email account. To an agent, they will look and feel exactly like you had sent them a personalized, single email. Isn't tech great?

Question Answer

How do I start getting juicy commercial and TV/film auditions, like today?

A good question with an easy answer:
This list took me 60+ hours to make…
But it’ll only take you 5 seconds to sign up and 15 minutes to use it!